Foam flow in model porous media.
Alexis Mauray, M. Chabert, H. Bodiguel
- Measurement of critical Casimir force near the critical point of a second order phase transition.
Le Cunuder Anne , Petrosyan Artyom , Ciliberto Sergio
- Optimized Performance of Completion and Workover Brine by using Water-Based Surfactants in Low-Pressure Reservoirs.
Blanco Jose, Ojeda A.
- A streaming potential study of cationic vesicle deposition on anionic porous substrates Abhijeet Kumar, Joachim Venzmer, Jochen Kleinen, Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman
- Silicon wafers wetting by polybutadiene melts. Marc YONGER, François Lequeux, Hélène Montes, Emilie Verneuil, Aurélie Papon