A fluid is called complex when its internal structure impart particular properties in term of its rheology. Those fluids cover foam, emulsions, polymer solutions, colloidal dispersions etc. Due to the interaction between their microstructure and the flowing geometry, complex fluids present specific behaviours in porous media.
Application fields are numerous, in civil engineering with soil stabilization, environmental engineering with waste water propagation, polluted soil remediation or petroleum engineering with chemical enhanced oil recovery methods or rock fracturing.
The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers that are working on different aspects of complex fluids flow in porous media and to share the common concerns they have to face for practical applications. It will consists of plenary sessions with invited and selected oral presentations. There will also be a poster session and ample time outside the formal sessions for participants to meet in a convivial atmosphere.
Invited speakers
Roseanne Ford, University of Virginia. Transport phenomena of chemotactic bacteria: diffusion and dispersion in porous media..
Philippe Coussot, Université Paris-Est. Yield stress fluid flows through porous media: an experimental perspective
Martin Ferno, University of Bergen Does foam work in fractured systems?-Martin Ferno
Ralf Seemann, University of Saarlandes Pore Scale Investigations of Forced Imbibition/Drainage in Porous Media
Henri Bertin (I2M, Bordeaux), Hugues Bodiguel (LOF, Bordeaux), Yannick Peysson (IFP Energies Nouvelles), Laurent Talon (FAST, Orsay)